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Add String support to the Lexer

Posted On 04.29.2022

With the unit tests up and running, it’s time to start expanding the Lexer: Adding String support.

A string is a sequence of any characters that stay between a pair of quotation characters. Just like in JavaScript, either a double quote or a single quote can be used to define a string.

"this is a string"
'this is also a string'

So, the first thing to do is to add a couple of tests, both the valid and invalid strings:

fn lexer_string_test(){
    let lexer = new Lexer::new(r#""hello world""#);
    let actual = lexer.collect::<Vec<Token>>();
    assert!(actual == vec![
        Token::String(r#""hello world""#)

An invalid string should return a Token::Invalid token:

fn lexer_invalid_string_test(){
    let lexer = new Lexer::new("'hello);
    let actual = lexer.collect::<Vec<Token>>();
    assert!(actual == vec![Token::Invalid])

The algorithm to scan for a string is pretty much like what we did for all the other multiple-char tokens:

  1. Start with a quotation mark
  2. If the next character is not a matching quotation mark, consume that character
  3. If we found the matching quotation mark, record the position, return a Token::String token with the string slice from the start to the current position

Initially, I implemented the scanner like this:

let token = match c {
    quote @ ('"' | '\'') => {
        let mut end = start;
        while let Some((next_end, next_char)) = {
            if quote == next_char {
                end = next_end; break;
        let content = &self.source[start..=end];
        return Some(Token::String(content));

This implementation worked fine until I decided to test with some Unicode strings. The Lexer crashed with the “byte index is not a char boundary” message.

The reason is, that we’re getting the string content slice using the byte indices &self.source[start..=end], but both the start and end indices are the character index that came from self.chars iterator.

So, what we need to do here is access the character list of self.source and return a slice from the range of start..=end. To do this, we can use char_indices() iterator. There is an utf8_slice crate that does this, and the implementation is available at: crate utf8_slice: src/utf8_slice/

All we have to do when fetching the string content is:

let content = fetch_string_slice(self.source, start, end);
return Some(Token::String(content));

Actually, with this implementation, I can make Gust supports Unicode identifiers (variable names, function names,…) as well!